Tag: Dream Big & Support a Great Cause!

Dream Big & Support a Great Cause!

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Susan Habas Thalian Association Community Theatre 910-251-1788 DREAM BIG AND SUPPORT A GREAT CAUSE! Take a chance on a dream vacation and support Thalian Association Youth Theatre outreach WILMINGTON, NC –There is still time to win the vacation of your dreams and support Thalian Association...
Contact Us

Susan Habas
Executive Director

Chandler Davis
Artistic Director

Samantha Chappell
Community Arts Center Director

Lance Howell
Technical Advisor

Thalian Association
Box 1111
Wilmington, NC 28402

Thalian Hall Box Office
310 Chestnut St.
Wilmington, NC 28401
Phone: 910-632-2285